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Por trás de aclamadas personalidades há um lado obscuro que ninguém está olhando. Neste programa documental e cheio de mistérios, abordaremos a face oculta das principais personalidades e instituições. Nesta edição: Nelson Mandela
Para saber mais sobre Mandela, leia o artigo disponível em nosso site: https://www.brasilparalelo.com.br/artigos/nelson-mandela-de-integrante-do-partido-comunista-a-presidente-da-africa-do-sul
African National Congress Documents. Submit or Fight: 30 Years of Umkhonto we Sizwe. 1991
Ellis, S. The Genesis of the ANC’s Struggle in South Africa, 1948-1961. 2011
Kamalakaran, A. How the Soviet Union helped Nelson Mandela. The Telegraph. 2013
Le Roux, C. Umkhonto we Sizwe, it’s role in the ANC’s onslaught against white domination in South Africa. 1992
Lusher, A. Winnie Mandela: the turbulent life of the woman who went from 'Mother of the Nation' to 'mugger'. The Independent. 2018
Mandela, N. I am Prepared to Die. 1964
Mhlaba, R. Personal Memoirs. 2001
Onselen, G. Yes, he was a communist, say ANC, SACP. Sunday Tumes. 2013
Sampson, A. Mandela: a Biografia Autorizada. 1999
Shubin, V. ANC: A View from Moscow. 1999
Slovo, J. The Sabotage Campaign. 1986
South Africa Communist Party. The New Year: Some Tasks and Perspectives. 1961
The Black Struggle for Political Power: Major Forces in the Conflict. Human Rights Watch. 1991
Truth and Reconciliation Commission of South Africa Report. 2009
Turok, B. Nothing but the Truth. 2003
Umkhonto we Sizwe – timeline. Anc.org.za. 2013
Winnie Madikizela-Mandela. South African History Online. 2011
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