#Honeybee #Beekeeping #QueenRearing #Bees #Florida #zone9garden #zone9b #zone9 #Apiary #Beekeeper #Grafting #Swarm #SwarmTrap #OxalicAcid #Varroa #SmallHiveBeetle #SHB #Langstroth #MasterBeekeeper
My name is Chuck Cook and I am a Master Beekeeper In Jacksonville, FL Hardiness Zone 9B. Being a Master Beekeeper only means that I am experienced enough to know I don't have a mastery of anything. The bees continue to teach me every day. Join me on my beekeeping journey. Please engage in the discussion by leaving a comment.
Please check out and visit my website at http://www.chuckshoneybees.com for more details about me and contact information.
[00:00:06] Introduction
[00:01:30] Inspecting Grafted Queen Cells and Newly Hatched Queens
[00:02:44] Examining Unhatched Queen Cells
[00:04:10] Queen Emergence and Identifying Deformed Wings
[00:05:00] Assessing Hive Status After Queen Cell Removal
[00:07:05] Inspecting Brood Frames and Bee Population in Top Boxes
[00:08:51] Evaluating Brood Hatching Progress
[00:09:51] Discovering Missed Queen Cells in the Top Boxes
[00:11:41] Checking for Queen Cells and Assessing Honey Stores Below
[00:14:55] Discovering the Queen is Missing and Possible Swarming
[00:17:52] Determining a Course of Action for a Queenless Hive
[00:20:26] Feeding the Newly Hatched Virgin Queens
[00:23:56] Regrouping a Queenless hive with New Cells
[00:25:25] Performing a Mite Check
[00:36:01] Checking Mating Nucs
[00:41:15] Summary of Activities and Requesting Viewer Feedback