0:00 - A Family Guy BTACSI
3:40 - Aftermath BTACSI
11:24 - Last Piece
Original A Family Guy Song - @WeedNosee
Original Aftermath Song - @WeedNosee and @awe9037
Editing - Me
Thumbnail - Me
Ass Arts - Me ((Purposefully)
Thumbnail - Me
A Family Guy Background - @Crotheon
AI Voices - AI (Jammable)
Friday Night Funkin' is an open-source donationware rhythm game first released in 2020 for a game jam. The game was developed by a team of four Newgrounds users, Cameron "ninjamuffin99" Taylor, David "PhantomArcade" Brown, Isaac "Kawai Sprite" Garcia, and evilsk8r.
"Family Guy" is an American animated TV series created by Seth MacFarlane, centering on the Griffin family in the fictional city of Quahog, Rhode Island. The show features Peter Griffin, his wife Lois, their children Meg, Chris, and the diabolical baby Stewie, along with their anthropomorphic dog Brian. Known for its satirical and often controversial humor, "Family Guy" uses cutaway gags and cultural references to comment on various social, political, and pop culture issues. Premiering in 1999, the series has gained a substantial following for its irreverent and edgy comedy.
#familyguy #fnf #pibby #darknesstakeover #afamilyguy #onefamilyguy #fridaynightfunkin #fnfxpibby