This is a Guide for Eggroost Observatory, I will be using a new file so anyone who wanna do this in a new file early on can follow this guide.
If you already know what to do but still don't know whats the pathway to complete it all, here are the quest list to complete the entire Eggroost Observatory:
Eggie Antics (Observatory)
[Once this is complete, Talk to Marometro to join the Guild]
Researcher's Request (Observatory) [you can start with this if you want or skip it for later as it takes alot of time]
[Talvern's request is more cheaper if you're not that rich]
[Billy's request is for the people who are in the end-games]
Scholar of the Serpent (Desert)
Unconventional Weapons (Cloud City)
Resonant Research (Wild Clouds)
The Sandstone Throne (Observatory)
[You can only access this Quest once reaching Master rank]
Of Slime and Scrap (Observatory)
You have complete Eggroost Observatory Guild, you can complete it even more by buying everything from Billy the craftsman of Eggroost Observatory Guild in Observatory
Introduction 0:00
Navigation & Location | to the Sinister Sea 0:03
Quest | Eggie Antics 1:22
Missions | Researcher's Request 3:03
Examples | Talvern's Request 3:37
Quest | Scholar of the Serpent 4:50
Quest | Unconventional Weapons 6:50
Quest | Resonant Research 10:32
Quest | The Sandstone Throne 15:00
Missions | Reaching Master Rank 20:35
Quest | Of Slime and Scrap 21:25
Outro 26:14