User interface is one of the most important aspects in Godot to focus on. So today I wanted to create this in-depth tutorial covering everything you need to know to implement a smooth professional looking UI into your own Godot projects. I try to cover everything I can but if you have any questions feel free to let me know in the comments!
Link to Finished Projects:
Link to Art Set Used:
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0:00 Intro
0:45 What to Know + Project Settings
2:50 Basics of Containers
9:11 Tutorial: Base Menu
37:38 Tutorial: Manager Script
41:58 Tutorial: HowTo Menu
1:00:07 Tutorial: Settings Menu
1:04:18 Tutorial Recap
Thank you so much for watching, I really hope this video helped.
if you did enjoy or this video was helpful then all I ask is if you could please subscribe to help out the channel. It means so much and I love your feedback in the comments. I’ll look forward to getting back to you soon! Again thanks so much and I would love to see you again!
These Tutorials take a lot of time to create and I’m working on becoming a better Teacher and learning how to explain Godot things in a better way, if you’d like to support this journey to expand knowledge and help other game dev’s learn to create their own games then please.. Become a Member! It would mean the world and you’ll help me out so much! Thank you!
have a great rest of your day and of course be safe :)
- thanks DevWorm