‼️ UPDATE: Sand Gum (2:36) was reuploaded by the producer: https://youtu.be/D6RmyvL-t9k?si=Oktbk8xptZMFuybJ
hmm looking at me trying to be useful. I hope this helps someone out :)
I hope I didn’t get anything wrong/miss any obvious info
⭐️ TO CLARIFY: finding info can be super tricky sometimes, so if something in this video is incorrect please let me know ! I tried my best to be accurate but I may have been misinformed on things.
music used: Shade Slide by peperon-P (https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm9218213)
this song was never lost by the way I just like it lol
☆ Erik’s videos on Interface:
1: https://youtu.be/97Sz2RgOy2s?si=YI00Ihz6rb5SuHAV
2: https://youtu.be/bRdPLkLTwfs?si=YrcYw3jKupx9ibMz
☆ song remakes:
Interface: https://youtu.be/li8w_KSp00c?si=VdtkdzrhwwfkeOZQ
Strange Love Stalk: https://youtu.be/mChXr-bnRLA?si=HtMtMKbuX1csXT-J
abortion: https://youtu.be/QdgwiNtoaBc?si=MPmYs-ksJ3KrMe-Q
Medical Wedding: https://youtu.be/sMEp8lKAeDM?si=kHaQVw1DOVv75bW5
☆ communities:
Interface subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/InterfaceMasa/s/M06iqr3MFd
Interface discord server: https://discord.gg/4sUUjH3p
Vocalost subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/vocaLost/s/WQoZK2MGR8
Vocalost discord server: https://discord.gg/vocalost
#vocaloid #初音ミク #hatsunemiku #vocalost #interfacemasa