Father John Broussard, Rector of the National Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help, gives pilgrims a personal tour of the grounds where the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared in 1859. Located 17 miles north of Green Bay, WI in the rural township of Champion, WI, The National Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help, a/k/a "Champion Shrine, " is, by authority of the Catholic Church, the first and only approved Marian Apparition Site in the United States of America.
According to Shrine history, The Blessed Virgin Mary appeared during three encounters in Oct. 1859 with a young, Belgian immigrant woman, Adele Brise. During the third encounter, the locutions of the apparition of the Blessed Mother included instructions by her, to Adele to offer confession, pray for the conversion of sinners, to teach the children how to sign themselves with the sign of the cross and to 'gather the children in this wild country and teach them what they need to know for salvation.'
'Go and fear nothing," she said, adding, "I will help you."
So began the life-long catechetical mission work of the see'er, Adele Brise, to carry out the message of Our Lady of Good Help at Champion.
Should you wish to organize a pilgrimage individually, with your family, for your parish, religious or other community group, this video tour will give you an overview of the grounds and type of activities in which you might wish to participate that can be incorporated in your pilgrimage plan.
All grounds and facilities are fully accessible.
To assist you in offering advice on everything from travel to and from Champion, to prospective accommodations, please see our website, "Plan Your Visit" or feel free to contact our pilgrimage planning coordinators at 920-866-2571 ext. 113.
In preparation for your visit, you can learn more about the history of the National Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help through our website and Shrine history DVD. If you would prefer to learn about Shrine history on site, go to the Shrine Welcome Center, open 7 AM until 7 PM daily, to view the history video or, for large groups, schedule a history talk. You may also wish to order, for a minimal fee, the Shrine history DVD ahead of time for yourself and/or to play to a group. Please contact Champion Shrine gift shop at 920-866-2571 X4 to order the Shrine history DVD. It will give you a thorough overview of the history of the Shrine, from its inception with the encounters between the Blessed Virgin Mary and Adele Brise, through its designation as a world Marian Apparition Site, to the present day.
At Champion Shrine, we are ready and willing to assist you with your pilgrimage planning through our pilgrimage department. Our coordinators can offer help to you if you are organizing a group or individual pilgrimage and need advice on travel plans or dates of upcoming special events and activities around which you might like to schedule a pilgrimage. You may also find this information on our website, at www.championshrine.org.
The grounds, including grottoes, devotional areas, rosary walk, outdoor Stations of the Cross, Apparition Chapel (upper level) and Apparition Oratory, (lower level) are open for personal prayer and reflection 7 AM until 7 PM daily, seven days a week, all year 'round,. Mass is offered daily at 11 AM cdt with additional Mass times offered at 8:30 AM Tuesdays, Saturdays and Sundays. Due to room capacity requirements, Sunday Mass is held at 8:30 AM and 11 AM in the new Mother of Mercy Hall. Confessions are heard daily by the Fathers of Mercy, at 10 AM and 2 PM, with an additional Confession time on Saturdays at 9:15 AM.
Mass is live-streamed from the Apparition Chapel Tuesday,. Saturday and Sunday at 8:30 AM cdt and archived on this You Tube Channel @ChampionShrine.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament is offered in the Apparition Chapel daily between 12 PM and 3 PM daily. Eucharistic Rosary Processions are held every Sunday following 11 AM Mass at 12:00 PM cdt. Holy hour is held at 2 PM Sundays.
Divine Mercy Chaplet is prayed every day in the Chapel at 3 PM.
You are welcome to picnic on site while on pilgrimage. Larger groups can coordinate catered pilgrimage meal services with the Shrine pilgrimage planning coordinators. There is also a Schoolhouse Cafe on site. The cafe is open concurrent with the open hours of operation of the Shrine gift shop: 9 AM until 4 PM Monday, through Saturday and Sundays between 12:30 PM and 4:00 PM.
The sacrament of anointing of the sick is administered at 11 AM Mass cdt on the ninth of every month.
The last Saturday of every month, the National Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help, in cooperation with the Green Bay-area Order of Malta, offers a Mass with Eucharistic Healing Prayer Service and Anointing of the Sick. That Mass is held in Mother of Mercy Hall. For those in attendance, a complimentary luncheon is offered by the Green Bay Area Order of Malta.
For information about special events: https://championshrine.org/events/.