I show you how to make a Japanese hammer woodworking for adjusting planes, without a forge. It is quick and simple I hope you enjoy it. The hammer head is ~270 g made from 1018 steel with a diameter of 1”.
DIY portable workbench: https://youtu.be/Ysy-8Dxv7UU
Checkout the links below where I show you how to make a variety of traditional Chinese woodworking tools.
How to make 7 traditional Chinese woodworking Tools:
1. Chinese hand plane 刨子 (https://youtu.be/9jrX-QHzhnM)
2. Chinese frame saw 锯 (https://youtu.be/33THmn0aHic)
3. Chinese dovetail Plane 燕尾刨 (https://youtu.be/11CTsG7u-ik)
4. Chinese Knife Saw 刀锯 (https://youtu.be/nTM2PtFrSEM)
5. Chinese cutting gauge 勒刀子 (https://youtu.be/-2XMqwVIDbY)
6. Chinese bevel gauge 活尺 (https://youtu.be/O9N8jvl2CTw)
7. Chinese styled half moon marking gauge 线勒子 (https://youtu.be/DixOOxuC3JM)
7b. Offset plate for easy layout of mortise and tenon (https://youtu.be/lIip-31IIZI)
7c. Foolproof Angled mortise and tenon with the half moon Chinese marking gauge and Offset Plate (https://youtu.be/-IkgvolZJmE)
John Z Zhu