A-Kon Guest Lip Sync Battle
Description of Panel:
Various guests from all sides of the industry will launt their best air guitars and hairbrush karaoke. Diverse tunes and tastes on display from A-Kon's closet rock star/divas.
Guests and Panelists:
Kyle Hebert
Austin Tindle
Caleb Hyles
Christopher Bevins
Matt Mercer
Rachel Robinson
Song: Build Me Up Buttercup (Single Version) - The Foundations
Disclaimer: this is for entertainment purposes. Song belongs to
On behalf of: BMG Rights Management LLC
I do not seek to monetization for this video, only to share this with others from A-Kon 28.
Now that you have seen this verson, check out this well put together multi-cam version.
It has even more fun but now, is it thursday yet?