A Koto Prokar O Ki Ki | Stand Up Comedy by Shahajada Shahed | Eagle's Comedy | S2 E03 | EM Club
A Koto Prokar O Ki Ki - Stand Up Comedy by Shahajada Shahed.
Eagle's Comedy: [ Season 02 EP 03 ]
Starring: Shahajada Shahed
"Eagle's Comedy" is a series of Stand-Up Comedy videos based on trending topics that happened around us. If you’re interested in watching the stand-up video then 'Eagle Music Club' is the place to be. Eagle Music will be showcasing fresh stand up videos every week. Produced by Kachi Ahmed.
#AKotoProkarOKiKi #অ্যাঁকতপ্রকারওকিকি? #ShahajadaShahed #StandUpComedy #EagleMusicClub
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