My very late, very long and chatty 2024 fountain pen collection video is finally ready to share!
These are all the pens currently in my collection as of December 2024, minus two pens I'm just now realizing I accidentally left off the list. **sigh** In any case, as I do every year, all the individual pens are broken down and linked in the stamps below. If there's one in particular you're looking for or want to know more about, feel free to skip ahead. Since this was my "year of the bespoke pen," I've front loaded all the custom pens and then talk about the newest mainstream ones at the beginning of each brand section.
Pen vloggers mentions:
Custom pen makers mentioned:
Time Stamps:
0:00 - Intro
2:46 - Zodiac Pen Company, Virgo, Golden Abalone, F
5:40 - Zodiac Pen Company, Sagittarius, Silver Linings, F
6:35 - Zodiac Pen Company, Cancer, Brown Sugar Milk Tea, F
8:25 - Walltown Pens, Onslow, Bohemian Twilight / Embers, F
11:35 - Walltown Pens, Onslow, Paua Abalone / Metallic Gold, FCSI
13:45 - Papa J Woodworks, Aretha Floral Etherial Swirl, F
18:02 - JustTurnings, Deluxe, Opal / Pink Shimmer, F
21:47 - Mayfair Pen Company, Vanyar, Caribbean Calcite / Resolute, B Kodachi
25:23 - Mayfair Pen Company, Narya, Papillon / ???, M
27:48 - Hogtown Pens, Swansea L, Resolute / Ante, Journaler
32:06 - Tailored Pen Company, Westminster, Matcha Green Tea Boba, F
33:32 - Edison Pen Company, Glenmont LE, Silver Lake, F
35:21 - Esterbrook, Estie, Lilac, Scribe
37:44 - Esterbrook, Estie, Aspen, Needlepoint
40:23 - Esterbrook, Estie, Quirky Leaf, Techo
42:52 - Esterbrook, Estie, Cola, Journaler
44:25 - Sailor, Pro Gear, Black Velvet, 21k MF
46:59 - Sailor, Pro Gear Slim Mini, Rencontre Gris Fer, 14k MF
48:09 - Sailor x Bungubox, Profit Jr., Cinderella's Slipper, MF
49:19 - Sailor, Pro Gear Slim, Autumn Drizzle, 21k MF
50:39 - Sailor, Pro Gear Slim Mini, Ayur Grey, 14k MF
50:53 - Sailor, 1911 S, Ivory, 14K F
51:06 - Sailor, 1911 Profit L, Shining Blue, 14K EF
52:25 - Sailor, Pro Gear Slim, Koi, 14K F
53:00 - Sailor, Pro Color 500, Stardust, F
53:32 - Pilot x Nagasawa, Decimo, Kaigen Stone Grey, 18k M
56:30 - Pilot, Vanishing Point, Black Matte, 18k EF
57:55 - Pilot, Kakuno, Clear, M
58:38 - Pilot, Prera, Clear / Black, CM
59:14 - Pilot, E95s, Champagne / Burgundy, 14k EF
01:00:15 - Pilot, Decimo, Pink Champagne, 18k EF
01:01:19 - Pilot, Falcon, Black, 14k SEF
01:02:02 - Pilot, 742, Black, 14k SU
01:02:48 - Sheaffer, Balance, Marine Stripe, 14k F
01:05:44 - Platinum, Vintage 3776, Ishigaki, 18k F
01:07:26 - Platinum x Perpanep, Preppy, White, EF
01:08:29 - Platinum, 3776, Sakura, 14k F
01:09:35 - Platinum, Curidas, Smoke, EF
01:10:29 - Platinum, Preppy, Yagasuri, F
01:11:11 - Platinum, Plasir, Teal, M
01:12:10 - Kaweco, Sport, Brass, Needlepoint w/Reverse Architect
01:13:57 - Kaweco, Sport, Iridescent, M
01:14:09 - Kaweco, Sport, Olive, EF
01:14:28 - Kaweco, Sport, Macchiato, Architect
01:14:47 - Kaweco, Sport, Black, F
01:15:13 - Pelikan, 400, Tortoise, 14k F
01:16:43 - Pelikan, m400, White Tortoise, 14k Journaler
01:18:54 - Pelikan, 140, Green Stripe, 14k F
01:20:04 - Benu x Goldspot, Euphoria, Hot Toddy, MCSI
01:21:23 - Benu x Goulet Pens, Iced Caramel Latte, Spearpoint
01:23:27 - Lamy, 2000, Stainless Steel, 14k EF
01:23:54 - Lamy, Vista, Demonstrator, CA
01:24:15 - Lamy, LX, Rose Gold, M
01:24:15 - Lamy, LX, Gold, B
01:24:43 - TWSBI, Diamond Mini, Clear, EF
01:25:11 - TWSBI, Vac Mini, Clear, F
01:25:23 - TWSBI, Eco T, Clear, Stub
01:25:51 - TWSBI, Diamond Mini, Rose Gold, EF
01:26:13 - TWSBI, Go, Clear, M
01:26:40 - Parker, 75, Gold Ecossais, 14k EF
01:27:56 - Parker, 45, Teal, F
01:28:13 - Parker, 51 Demi, Cocoa, 14k F
01:29:18 - Traveler's Company, Fountain Pen, Brass, F
01:30:57 - Maiora, Alpha, Orogrigio, 1.1 Stub
01:32:27 - Final Thoughts
#fountainpen #fountainpenaddict #fountainpens
Song: Alex GL - Late Night Latte
Music provided by Tunetank.
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