A Local Resident Tried To Lower The Water Level With A Drainage Pipe - Beaver Dam Removal No.96
📝Basic information:
Location: Poland
Date of recording: August 2022
About my work - I remove beaver dams when I receive an order from a state organization.
I do not choose which dam to remove. It is decided by officials at the request of nearby residents. Each dam is assessed in advance if it can and if should be dismantled.
Removing the dam is not a threat to beavers. I do not remove their houses - lodges.
Dams are removed only in places where beavers cause damage, for example by flooding nearby fields, flooding the basements of nearby houses, or when the stream on which beavers built their dam is degraded.
Even though beavers are very invasive animals, they are under strict protection in our country.
I personally like all animals, so beavers are fine too.
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msTECH86 Works https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVKsV7va2zQ&list=PL_evfLG8tUqNq3rPpmcbTnFH0EEuGo1ob
Mechanical Beaver Dam Removal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVKsV7va2zQ&list=PL_evfLG8tUqO9nWJblxLHMfsr-L2jjHHP
On my channel you will see my work: removal of beaver dams with an excavator, manual removal of beaver dams, unclogging the culvert, mowing grass, cutting trees, mulching thickets and many others.
The following works are used to perform the work: heavy machinery, light equipment, lawn mower, petrol lawn mower, chainsaw, excavator, tractor, rotary mower, truck, tow truck, mulch.
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