A Minute to Pray, a Second to Die - In Tuscosa, New Mexico, the Governor offers amnesty papers to all outlaws but gunfighter Clay McCord's appearance triggers a violent confrontation between the local marshal, McCord, and other outlaws.
A Minute to Pray, a Second to Die (1968)
Director: Franco Giraldi
Writers: Louis Garfinkle, Ugo Liberatore
Stars: Alex Cord, Arthur Kennedy, Robert Ryan
Genres: Action | Crime | Drama | Thriller | Western
Runtime: 1h 57min
Country: Italy | USA
Language: English
Filming Locations: Spain
Also Known As: Dead or Alive
When outlaw Clay McCord learns the Governor of New Mexico has offered an amnesty to all who apply for it at the town of Tuscosa, he is intrigued but suspicious. He circles the vicinity, weighing the offer and encountering other outlaws, all the while troubled by occasional "spells" resembling the epileptic fits which plagued his father. Eventually McCord reaches Tuscosa where he clashes with the local marshal, Roy Colby. The Governor then arrives and tries to calm the situation, knowing that if McCord asks for amnesty, other outlaws will follow. Events lead to a shoot-out with McCord, Colby, and the Governor on one side while a band of outlaws comprise the other.
"Alex Cord stars in this beautifully-photographed Spaghetti Western about a gunfighter with an arm that goes into epileptic fits under pressure. After a local town decides to give amnesty and $50 to gunfighters that give themselves up, Cord strongly considers giving up his run-n-gun lifestyle. But of course there's bounty hunters, bandits and lawmen who don't exactly take a liking to that so Cord is gonna' need a lot of bullets. The action sequences are average for a Spaghetti (good guy shoots a bunch of times, bad guys throw their arms straight into the air and spin around) but the direction is quite good and the storyline is intriguing. Robert Ryan shows up to kick some ass and add some class to the proceedings." Written by Samoan Bob on IMDb.com
Also Known As (AKA)
(original title): Un minuto per pregare, un istante per morire
Austria: Mehr tot als lebendig
Brazil (reissue title): Um Minuto Para Rezar, Um Segundo Para Morrer
Brazil: Caçada ao Pistoleiro
Canada (English title): A Minute to Pray, a Second to Die
Denmark: 10.000 dollars - død eller levende
Finland: Elävänä tai kuolleena
France: Une minute pour prier, une seconde pour mourir
Greece (transliterated title): Kataziteitai: Zontanos i nekros
Ireland (English title): Dead or Alive
Portugal: Morto ou Vivo
Romania: Un minut pentru a te ruga, o secundă pentru a muri
Russia: Минута, чтобы помолиться и умереть
Spain: Un minuto para rezar, un segundo para morir
Sweden: En minut att be, en sekund att döda
Turkey (Turkish title): Ölü veya Diri
UK: A Minute to Pray, a Second to Die
USA (alternative title): Mc Cord
USA (alternative title): The Prodigal Gun
West Germany: Mehr tot als lebendig
World-wide (English title): A Minute to Pray, a Second to Die
Yugoslavia (Serbian title) (literal title): Mrtav ili ziv
Dead or Alive
Dove vai ti ammazzo
Outlaw Gun
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