Fun & Interesting

A Narrowboat Winter on The Llangollen Canal | Living An Off Grid Life Ep 129

One Day More Aboard 10,402 2 days ago
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Winter on a narrowboat can be magical, but it’s not without its challenges! In these next few videos, we take you through the highs and lows of our off grid life on the Llangollen Canal during the colder months. From frosty mornings and peaceful towpaths to frozen canals and full toilet cassettes, we share our real experiences of living aboard in winter. Join us on board Narrowboat One Day More, as we cruise the very beginning of the Llangollen Canal through Hurleston Locks to Swanley. Hello! If you are new here we are Caroline and Pete, and in 2021, after 10 years living in Texas, we sold up and moved back home to the UK to live full time aboard a 60ft narrowboat, One Day More, with our West Highland Terriers! Join us in our day to day life as we continuously cruise the canals and rivers of the UK. All of the ups, and the downs and everything in between! If you would like to support our channel you can buy us a coffee or the westies some treats here All donations are put back into our channel, we are currently saving up for new audio equipment. Follow us on social media: Facebook One Day More Aboard Instagram @onedaymoreaboard TikTok @onedaymoreaboard Blue Sky @onedaymoreaboard One Day More Aboard Intro Music by Alex Rudd (our son) @alexrudd1171 Outro Music Time On Our Side by Ten Towers Other music from Epidemic Sound #narrowboat #canalboat #boatlife #offgrid #offgridliving #barge #canal #houseboat #canalboat #onedaymoreaboard #liveaboard #liveaboardlife #travelvlogger #tinyhouse #boatvlogger #canalboatdiaries #onemoreday #onedaymore #narrowboatliving #westie #narrowescapes #locks #llangollencanal
