In this HD video clip, Richard Gordon, founder and author of Quantum- Touch®, demonstrates how Quantum-Touch® works, as he meets with Athletes, Joggers and trainers. Produced and Directed by Suzanne Doucet and Richard Kashanski.
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Transcript of the above video:
Richard Gordon: “Hey we are in Pan Pacific Park in Hollywood California and we are looking around to meet people who might have pain, athletic injury to demonstrate how Quantum-Touch works. (Locates somebody) "Jon, I understand that you are a boxer, I am Richard good to meet you. I have something that can actually give an elite athlete a competitive advantage, and I would like to demonstrate with you right now and show you how that works...This is something trainers (boxing) can learn…First we will try a little exercise, so stretch your arms out forward, and what you are going to do is open and close your hands really fast all the way open and all the ways closed, until you don't want to go any longer. It usually takes about 20-30 seconds before it’s enough...." Demonstration Ensues.
Richard Gordon: "So you say you have a pain in your thigh, you mentioned that a moment ago"
Man: "Yes"
Richard Gordon; How much pain would you say there is from 1-10?"
Man: (Man sits down carefully)"10"
Richard Gordon ( performs Quantum-Touch treatment 5:35)
(after treatment) "How's the pain feel there now?"
Man: "Actually, it went away"
Richard Gordon: " It went away?"
Man: "Yes' because when I was playing like that it would hurt (moves leg) but, (now) it doesn't hurt. ( Man laughs) Thank you.
Energy Healing - Quantum-Touch