Embark on an unexpected woodturning adventure as I tackle a mysterious ash knot with a peculiar raised mound. What begins as a routine project quickly turns into a journey filled with surprising twists and challenges. Join me as I uncover hidden secrets within the wood that test my skills and creativity. Will I be able to transform this enigmatic piece into a beautiful work of art? Tune in to find out!
Thanks for watching and feel free to leave comments in the chat below.
Let's Resin:
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UK: https://letsresin.co.uk/?ref=_O7uwU1QN4vDXg
UK Amazon Store: https://amzn.to/3B46F7w Code: Mike24UK
JSP Safety equipment I use:
Disposable Face Mask: https://amzn.to/3XaK8hV
Face Shield: https://amzn.to/4akPpqs
Half Mask: https://amzn.to/4dtxK2p
Powercap Infinity PAPR: https://amzn.to/3SUlAax
Vevor Pressure Pot
Disposable Face Mask: https://amzn.to/3XaK8hV
Face Shield: https://amzn.to/4akPpqs
Half Mask: https://amzn.to/4dtxK2p
Powercap Infinity PAPR: https://amzn.to/3SUlAax
Creality Falcon 2 Pro 40w Laser
10% Discount code: FNPALL10
Link: https://s.zbanx.com/r/JsV49PtnHrcr
My grinding/sharpening solution
Record Power 8" Grinder: https://www.yandles.co.uk/record-power-8-bench-grinder-tool-sharpening-machine-with-40mm-whitestone/p8401?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAw6yuBhDrARIsACf94RXH_sfwEa2XW0NhXaUMd7xSCDpEAuo5OgIP6j6HfaWoGG-9zBW2QJwaAoPHEALw_wcB
Pro Grind Sharpening System: https://amzn.to/4bOEYOb
8" 180grit CBN Wheel: https://amzn.to/3whk8GP
O3A affiliate link
Discount code MHMC10 10% (Expires 3/3/24)
O3A shop: https://o3adhesives.co.uk/?sca_ref=5289570.dycnvAUJlN
Support the channel and buy merchandise: https://ko-fi.com/mikeholton
Tools I use:
Record Power Regent Lathe: https://www.yandles.co.uk/record-power-coronet-regent-variable-speed-lathe-cw-cast-iron-stand-230v-m33-x-35/p25240?gclid=CjwKCAiA3aeqBhBzEiwAxFiOBn4juCpNvSEbN3kp6cTvxUZ4IfcTbwx2-GUEE6_PiV4QMaEjdVtkDRoCjV4QAvD_BwE
Record Power turning tools and chucks: https://www.yandles.co.uk/search/Record+Power+Tool?filter=1&f_category=573&f_brand=46&f_width=0-11&f_price=0-3899
Tim Mason, STEADY REST: [email protected]
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mike-Holton-hand-made-crafts-106659121895539
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mikeholton_hand_made_crafts/?hl=en
Website: http://mikeholton.net/
Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/mikeholton
And special thanks for the intro music goes to: Clemintine Sound Design
All of my videos are designed to be entertainment only. Please follow all required safety measures when using tools or machinery and always read and understand the manufacturer's guidelines and safety instructions.
The methods I demonstrate are not to be used as a guide for best practice. Thanks