Edited an assortment of clips detailing ranked online matchmaking from A to S rank for Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon. I mainly used Sweet Sixteens and Laser Dagger in my build, which is based on ACs and tactics Otsdarva transferred to me, and taught me. However, by the end of my attempts I decided to accomplish my goal by switching builds and playing a laser swap build. The game has some problems that I would like to address in future videos. One of the main problems is that Assault Armor fails to cancel enemy's Pulse Armor, which is its main purpose. Tanky ACs are simply too tanky, which prioritizes armor over skill. Finally, kites and shields are just insanely strong counters to the build. With that being said, I had a blast. In future attempts, I will try to get to S rank again with the Sweet 16 and Laser Dagger build.
Edit Notes: One single bad edit while divert viewers attention. Viewers do not like seeing you getting owned, even if it is cinematic.