Hello, I am back, although I never intended to be away! With so many things were going on since my last video I really was tired and in need of a rest. I'm a great believer in looking after yourself so I've been resting and also working on a few historic unpleasant life events that have caused me to not be as happy as I'd like to be. But rest assured everything is falling into place and I'm here, moving forwards as gardening is my strength even though it wears me out sometimes! Thank you for your messages I have been reading them and touched that so many of you wondered where I had got to so I thought it best to be honest and upfront and let you know everything is okay. In the garden you'll notice a few new things that will be a surprise, indeed they were to me too as I found both the new fountain and statue on facebook - absolute bargains I couldn't turn down. I think they fit in really well with the garden and add even more magic to the space. We'll have a little visit to the Old Manor House, as the gardens there are very dear to me too, even though they're on a much bigger scale I hope you will enjoy them just as much. Both gardens are an expression of myself and I hope you can see a bit of me in each of them. I'll be sharing content with you from the summer months, and if it is Autumn/Fall where you are then the colours of summer will no doubt brighten your days up a little. Please let me know if there's any content you'd like me to consider making, I'm looking for new ideas and moving the channel forward in a way that not only suits me, but you too. Thank you so much for your kindness, friendship and love, it really does mean a lot to me. I'll say it again...Enjoy the video & Happy Gardening! Justin