Hi there!
Here's a silent vlog of a week in my life when typhoon Egay was about to exit the Philippines. Weather was gloomy and it was cold in Manila. I hope you're okay.
00:00 Preview/Intro
00:24 Brunch and Chores
02:37 Meryenda, Laundry and Dinner Time
08:03 Work from Office and Leftovers for Dinner
11:43 Lazy Breakfast and Coffee Shop visit
13:52 Travel Time and Outro
This vlog includes work from home and office, cooking chicken with broccoli, preparing oats, laundry time, eating outside and traveling home.
Do you prefer a hybrid setup? How about pure work from office? Or home?
Editing software used: Lumafusion
Camera used: iPhone 13 Pro Max
📷 Personal account (instagram): mlpermalino
✉️ Contact: [email protected]
Music/Audio used:
- waiting - https://youtu.be/X2t0RPT5F5I
- warmth - https://youtu.be/slnUKMhcQUs
- drizzle - https://youtu.be/HVOs8FyKwes
- floral - https://youtu.be/DWE_CacEVek
- taro swirl - https://youtu.be/QutwEFKtvPQ
- mango tea - https://youtu.be/Rxae3UZv_zI
- rose water - https://youtu.be/xakBzg5atsM
- breeze - https://youtu.be/DXmsWTzIAAA
♪ Onion - https://youtu.be/KGQNrzqrGqw
♪ River - https://youtu.be/Q-INtD5KsB8
♪ Kitchen - https://youtu.be/tUvXk4whDRA
Sunset Walk by Roa https://soundcloud.com/roa_music1031
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/3ZU7erW
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/jFHtJ99ZJ34
Tokyo Cafe
Tokyo Cafe by TVARI https://soundcloud.com/tvarimusic
Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported CC BY-SA 3.0
Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/3q4TJJy
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/YOc7GUpXYnE
#LivingAlone #LivingAlonePhilippines #soloLiving #LivingAloneDiaries
#Philippines #Manila #Makati #MetroManila
#silentVlog #vlog #newVideo
#weekInALife #dayinthelife #weekinthelife #weekinmylife #life #lifestory #sliceOfLife #livingalonemale
#home #wfh #workFromHome #work #onsite
#grocery #shopping #cooking #cleaning #laundry #eating #aesthetic