a weekend in my life | last weekend of dance *vlog* | pool, friends, dance moms, performances, fun
The dance season is just about over :( Spend a weekend with me, my family and friends, as we celebrate the end of another amazing dance year. I was honored to perform at the Bald Ballerina Benefit Concert. If you're interested in learning more about the Bald Ballerina or donating to her cause, visit www.baldballerina.org #dancer #dayinthelife #lifeofadancer #dancelife #pool #family #kaeliware #dancemoms #dancedad #studiobleu #competitiondance #vlog
tiktok: @kennedyraeofficial
mom's tiktok: @dancemomdana
[email protected]
How long have you been dancing? Since Age 2
Biggest accomplishment? Winning Season 1 of CBS' Come Dance With Me!
What's your favorite color? Sage Green
Camera? Go Pro Hero 11
enjoy every moment,
Kennedy Rae xoxo
(account is managed by Mom)