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# #
00:00 開頭
01:04 【NVIDIA】廣告段落
02:09 塔利班,不一樣了?
03:23 人權爭議多,女權大倒退?
04:40 阿富汗經濟大崩潰?
05:58 經濟萎縮後果:人道危機
06:57 救援陷入兩難,又有下波危機?
08:31 塔利班的內部分歧?
09:31 我們的觀點
10:50 問題
11:11 結尾
【 製作團隊 】
【 本集參考資料 】
→Afghanistan under the Taliban | Start Here:https://bit.ly/3e3cXZC
→Afghan Economy Crumbles Since Taliban Takeover:https://on.wsj.com/3cxFeHo
→Life under the Taliban: ‘what matters is that we’re hungry’:https://on.ft.com/3R2tETx
→Afghanistan Has Become the World’s Largest Humanitarian Crisis:https://bit.ly/3R5EWXd
→Afghanistan’s Economic Meltdown Leaves Ordinary Citizens Scrambling to Survive:https://on.wsj.com/3R7dYyE
→Amid Plummeting Humanitarian Conditions in Afghanistan, Women, Girls ‘Are Being Written Out of Society’ by De Facto Authorities, Briefers Warn Security Council:https://bit.ly/3AWFDwt
→Five things you should know about Afghanistan:https://bit.ly/3R7e09K
→‘I Have Nothing Left’: Flooding Adds to Afghanistan’s Crises:https://nyti.ms/3CHVznw
→One kidney village': The Afghans selling organs to survive:https://bit.ly/3TqE2Gp
→Desperate Afghans sell kidneys amid poverty, starvation:https://bit.ly/3TqGo8c
→The rescue of Parwana: 9-year-old child bride is taken to safety in Afghanistan:https://cnn.it/3TBYkNk
→The Guardian view on the Taliban’s victory: Afghanistan’s nightmare is intensifying:https://bit.ly/3e8bPUD
→Hypocrisy or a reason for hope? The Taliban who send their girls to school:https://bit.ly/3Tt7BqC
→U.S. Rules Out Releasing Billions in Afghan Funds After Strike:https://on.wsj.com/3TqGrko
→Afghanistan: Economic Crisis Underlies Mass Hunger:https://bit.ly/3TuWy0b
→As Taliban Offensive Escalates, Afghanistan at Dangerous Turning Point, Special Representative Warns Security Council amid Calls for Ceasefire, Aid Access:https://bit.ly/3TjFb2m
→‘I’ll be sacrificed’: The lost and sold daughters of Afghanistan:https://bit.ly/3ct6G95
→Girls increasingly at risk of child marriage in Afghanistan:https://uni.cf/3e0eLT7
→Afghanistan: Who are Islamic State Khorasan Province militants?:https://bbc.in/3Trnxtv
→Afghanistan: Death in slow motion: Women and girls under Taliban rule:https://bit.ly/3e5Z9xz
→AP PHOTOS: Despair and poverty fuel drug use in Afghanistan:https://bit.ly/3Rn4Gyb
→One year on from the Taliban takeover, Afghans face starvation – and winter is coming:https://cnn.it/3TjFhHg
→ISIS-K threat to Uzbek railway dream opens doors for Taliban:https://s.nikkei.com/3q0Apcx
【 延伸閱讀 】
→Afghanistan: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO):https://bit.ly/3Rm1SRG
→Afghanistan's challenges after US withdrawal:https://bbc.in/3RgPouE
→Examining Extremism: Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISKP):https://bit.ly/3Kvbjw0
→Afghanistan’s crisis started well before August 2021:https://bit.ly/3KKfODf
→ISIS-K為何敢同時招惹美國和塔利班? 解析阿富汗激進組織:https://bit.ly/3KwLn39
→阿富汗塔利班上台一週年 四大承諾兌現了多少?:https://bbc.in/3e62ixs
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