Title: Aaj Mare Orde Re...
Guj. Title: આજ મારે ઓરડે રે...
Type: Other
Category: 3D Animation
Event Date: 08 Nov 2019
Location: Swaminarayan Mandir, Kundaldham
Inspirer: Gyanjivandasji Swami - Kundaldham
Playlist Name : Swaminarayan 3D Animation
Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHNUWAqhIXY1tVZ3XbuyUHA0IDFRe_xna
#Orda #AajMareOrade #PremanandSwami #Swaminarayan #Kundaldham #SwaminarayanKirtan #Populer #gyanjivandasjiswami #3dAnimation #AnimationFilm #15august #indipendenceday
Jay Swaminarayan,
It took more than year for this project to finish with a dedication from more than 20 fulltime 3D-Animation developers. With a ton of retakes and corrections, this Aaj Mare Orde Re... is finally live for all the satsang samaj for absolute free of cost. The single motive of Pujya Gyanjivandasji Swami (Kundaldham) behind this Aaj Mare Orde Re... is only to serve the satsang samaj and help them get closer to Lord Swaminarayan.
Premanand Swami was right there when Lord Swaminarayan said story of his own journey.
Just as important chesta is, Aaj Mare Orde is equally important. To understand what created these verses, let us take you to the origin of these verses.
Aaj Mare Orde has 4 verses that weaves the story said by Lord Swaminarayan himself.
This animation video is to show the whole sequence and showcase the whole story said by Lord Swaminarayan. For 1 long year, we've been working & pouring in endless hours to bring these 4 verses to life.
These 4 verses are sung everyday till date and is considered to be very fruitful for those who sing it with all their heart. Lord Swaminarayan himself has seen these verses and were pleased on Premanand Swami for diligently noting it down.
We are more than please to release this 3D animation on Aaj Mare Orde to the public today, on 8th Nov 2019, considering the importance of these verses in understanding the philosophy & mission with which lord Swaminarayan incarnated on this planet.
We would love to see your responses in the comment section below and would more than love to see you share this animation film to all the people in your social network including friends & family.
Shree Swaminarayan Temple, Kundaldham & Karelibaug - Vadodara
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