Abandoned- 3 beautiful large homes! 2 Stunning 20`s bungalows and a classic 50`s. Such a waste!
Hey house lovers and explorers!
This video we go on an epic 3 house explore all in a row! Yep these homes are classic Aussie Adelaide homes that are great examples of the early 20`s post war Bungalows and a classic large 50`s home. 2 of the homes have even got granny flats!
The bungalows are the more elaborate ones built at the time with many throws back to federation and arts and crafts features. One had been have the top roof cavity totally transformed in to a second level when it seems the developers threw the big bucks at the owners to get them to sell.
Like many of my explores these homes are doomed and will be demolished for big condo style units.
Sit back and enjoy the snoop around these classic old homes with me!
Cheers for watching , hope you all enjoy :-)