A Short Film on how forest communities can live together in harmony with wildlife. Produced by Wildlife Trust of India, this film by Ghost Animation is about two siblings who have ventured out into the Sunderbans and encounter the denizens of the forest. They meet the folk goddess BonBibi who saves their lives and in a lively discourse emphasizes how the fine balance of nature can be preserved. Watch it, to see for yourself.
Driven by the vision of securing a natural heritage for India, WTI is an Indian wildlife conservation organisation established in 1998. With 9 Big Ideas forming its conservation strategies, WTI has delivered impact through saving species and their local populations, sensitising communities and involving them in conservation, rescue-rehab-release of displaced wildlife, curing illegal wildlife trade, training, equipping and morale boosting of frontline forest staff and securing habitat for wildlife. A group of 120 professionals spanning six biogeographic regions across India, WTI continues to do impactful work working with communities and governments.
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