Gukesh D is simply unstoppable at the 2025 Tata Steel chess tournament, and today we're looking at his insane Round 5 game vs Vincent Keymer where he absolutely blew Keymer off the board! This game featured the very interesting 5.Bd2 line of the Nimzo-Indian Defense, and both Gukesh and Keymer showed some very interesting ideas that you don't want to miss!
In the game Gukesh opened 1.d4 and went straight for the Nimzo-Indian Defense with the moves 1...Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 d5. From there Gukesh employed the infamous 5.Bd2 line with the moves 4.e3 0-0 5.Bd2, which is an extremely popular line designed to keep White's pawn structure intact on the queenside. From there both sides continued buildng their positions, until Keymer jumped forward with his knight to e4 at which point the position exploded with tactical complications! Make sure to watch till the end of the video to see the crazy conclusion to this extremely exciting game!
#chess #chessgame #gukesh #vincentkeymer