Alex explains the difference between the two main Esperanto words for an accent: akcento and akĉento. Here are a few tricks to keep them straight.
Akcento means the accent or emphasis placed on a syllable, word, or musical note.
Akcenti means to intensify or emphasize the pronunciation of a syllable or word.
"Mi stulte akcentis la malĝustan silabon."
"Mi akcentos la "ne", por ke ŝi komprenu min."
"En Esperanto la vortakcento estas ĉiam sur la antaŭlasta silabo."
Remember: I SENT the acCENT to the SECond SYLLable. I also acCENT CERtain SOUNDS when I SING. The S sound is key to akcento!
Akĉento means an accent like a way of pronouncing a language.
With a foreign letter ĉ this word LOOKS foreign and therefore it SOUNDS foreign.
Think of a Ĉina akĈento.
"Li havas sudan usonan akĉenton kaj ŝi havas sudamerikan akĉenton."
"Li parolis kun usona akĉento."
Be specific; don't just say "a southern accent" if you can be even clearer.
She CHeated because of his CHiseled CHest and CHeeky akCHento.
You might CHEAT on someone because of their foreign akCHento.
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