This is a story of Laura VanRyn and Whitney Cerak who were two college students who looked remarkably alike. On April 26, 2006, they were involved in a fatal car accident in Indiana. The tragic crash killed five people, including Laura. However, in a shocking mix-up, Whitney was misidentified as Laura, and vice versa. For five weeks, Whitney's family cared for the severely injured "Laura" (actually Whitney), while Laura's family mourned the loss of their "daughter" (actually Whitney, who had died).
The mistake was discovered when "Laura" (Whitney) began recovering and showed inconsistencies in her behavior and memories. DNA testing confirmed the error. The families were devastated, and the VanRyns were forced to confront the loss of their actual daughter. The Ceraks, meanwhile, were reunited with their alive but severely injured daughter, Whitney. This heart-wrenching case highlighted the importance of accurate identification and communication in traumatic situations.
All work in this channel like narration and editting are done by me,My video's script and images are collected from google's copyright free and the content of this channel is for the purpose of information, education and entertainment only. It does not contain nudity or sexually explicit, harmful or dangerous content, and is not violent or bloody, does not provoke hatred.