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Accompong Maroon Chief Richard Currie Jan 6, 2025 Speech

PEACE CULTURE MUSIC 9,667 3 weeks ago
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Accompong (from the Asante name Acheampong) is a historical Maroon village located in the hills of St. Elizabeth Parish on the island of Jamaica. It is located in Cockpit Country, where Jamaican Maroons and Indigenous Taíno established a fortified stronghold in the hilly terrain in the 17th century. They defended it and maintained independence from the Spanish and then later the British, after the colony changed hands. Accompong is reportedly named after the son of Miguel Reid, the first African Maroon leader in western Jamaica originally from Ghana and allegedly the first leader of Cudjoe's Town (Trelawny Town). This would make Accompong brother to Kojo or Cudjoe, and possibly Cuffee, Quaco and Nanny of the Maroons. Accompong Town was reportedly built by Kojo who assigned his Brother Accompong to watch over it. After years of raiding and warfare, they established their autonomy, self-government and recognition as an Indigenous people by a peace treaty with the British in 1739.[1] Since independence in 1962, the government of Jamaica has continued to recognize the Indigenous rights of the Jamaican Maroons in this area. Accompong is run by a chief who is elected by voting. The current chief is Chief Richard Currie.
