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Acquisition and Termination of Citizenship | Article 11 | Indian Citizenship Act 1955 | Polity UPSC

BYJU'S IAS 35,466 lượt xem 2 years ago
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Citizenship is the status of a person recognized under law as being a legal member of a sovereign state. Article 5 to Article 11 of the Indian Constitution deal with the concept of ‘Citizenship’ in India. In this video, we will discuss how an individual can acquire, lose citizenship in India.

Article 11 gives unfractured powers to the Parliament in matters related to citizenship. Who can become an Indian citizen? What are the ways of acquiring Indian Citizenship? How can one lose Indian Citizenship? for answers to all these questions watch this video. For more videos to help and aid your understanding of Indian Polity watch the Polity Essentials series. Don't forget to like, share and subscribe for more informative videos like this.

Key topics discussed in the video:
1. Article 11 of Indian Constitution
2. Citizenship by Birth (Jus Soli and Jus Sanguinis)
3. Citizenship by Descent
4. Citizenship by Registration
5. Citizenship by Naturalisation
6. Citizenship by Incorporation of Territory
7. Indian Citizenship Act 1955
8. Illegal Migrants
9. Loss of Citizenship in India
10. Renunciation of Citizenship
11. Termination of Citizenship
12. Deprivation of Indian Citizenship

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