Test the *Teachable Miro:Bit APP* https://cardboard.lofirobot.com/teachable-microbit-app-info/ *Micro:Bit Robotics - Video Course for Teachers* https://cardboard.lofirobot.com/courses/microbit-robotics-for-teachers/ *Printable Robot Designs* https://cardboard.lofirobot.com/product/printable-robot-designs-pdf/ 0:11 What is Teachable Machine? 0:37 What is Teachable Micro:Bit App? 1:15 Example robots 2:28 Training the model 2:45 Coding the robot 3:25 Connecting AI model with the Micro:Bit 4:15 Problems with browser caching 5:09 Reusing the models 5:34 Remote camera