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ADOFAI | 21.3 초고렙이 이펙트로 돌아왔다 | かめりあ(Camellia) - Parallel Universe Shifter | by Team Universe

Plana 30,933 7 months ago
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참여해주신 9분께 감사드립니다 안녕하세요 이 합작 진행을 맡은 Plana입니다 이 합작이 약 2월 중후반부터 시작되었던 합작인데 드디어 끝나게 되네요 진행하며 중간중간 마감일 연장, 한분의 컴퓨터 문제, 합치면서 나타난 버그 등 여러 문제가 있었지만 무사히 잘 완성되어 기쁘네요 그리고 바쁘실텐데 피처링으로 참여해주신 Etell님에게도 감사의 말씀을 드립니다 Thank you to the 9 people who participated Hello, I'm the co-host of this project, PLANA This joint venture started in mid-to-late February, but it's finally over Extending deadlines in between, 1 people computer issues, bugs that appeared in combination, etc There were many problems, but I'm happy that it was completed well I'm sure you're busy, but I'd like to thank Etell for featuring Discord: plana_is_cute #adofai #얼불춤 #adofai_custom #parallel_universe_shifter #camellia Tile 9202 TUF level : X Expected level : 21.3 Artist : かめりあ(Camellia) Song : Parallel Universe Shifter Director ‎‎‎Plana / @plana_is_cute Chart 0:00 / 가지지 / @가지지 VFX 1pt 0:01 / 고서양 / @고서양_old 2pt 1:08 / rodck / @로덕 3pt 1:46 / 정우자 / @juj_1 4pt 2:35 / RinkiRin / @RinkiRin_ki 5pt 3:25 / SomSom / @adofai.SomSom 6pt 4:23 / Ne xt & SomSom / @smkim070688 @adofai.SomSom 7pt 5:27 / V0W4N / @V0W4N 8pt 6:19 / Coyami-ke / @coyami_ke feat 6:27 / Etell / @Bisque_fx Special Thanks @EditorAlriC @osky0 @시온 @커핀 @오이오이 @쿠로다테하루나 @Asansis @_niAE @PharahAdofai Download Thumbnail @a6742_pP
