WIth lots of money, anybody can buy bonsai. But if on more of a budget, what will 50 bucks get you, if you have to buy substrate, pots, and a plant? Follow me as I search for plants at a nursery, repot, and do a first styling of affordable bonsai material
In June, Carlos at Bonsai Yeah challenged Nigel Saunders at The Bonsai Zone, to get a pot, substrate and tree and create a bonsai for 50E. In the comments I was invited to join the fun and the spreading wave of the challenge. Visiting multiple nurseries before I found the winning tree, pruning, wiring and repotting to make a great Yew pre-bonsai. Also, I put a picea on its way for the work over winter.
Werner @everycutmatters what can YOU do for 50E?
The Ultimate Participants List!
Watch the playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLci6b9GxmP3VjYgkW8Pr3O9zzWUC3apy8
(Who am I missing? Drop me a comment with other videos in the challenge!):
The original challenge by @BonsaiYEAH challenging @TheBonsaiZone : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yc_BJbWDB8A
Nigels' answer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igmZt6kDQO0&t=1s
@XaviersBonsaiRetreat explicitly challenged me, when I was done recording my video, after some informal challenges by chat / comments! https://youtu.be/gDl9cimnS9g
@BlueJayBonsai: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHa8l87nK4g
@TonysBonsai : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCtqhUfyCB0
@FrostBiteBonsai : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkedTYoqDIw
@bonsaibysnc : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSIrS7osImo
@BonsaiYEAH made another: https://youtu.be/VeaC-CnKCi4
@almostbonsai : https://youtu.be/ocwl8k3W6jo and part 2 https://youtu.be/My62yxwkPSc and update https://youtu.be/L89Rc1VwLqo
@TheBonsaiGarden : https://youtu.be/3ZChDclf-bM and part 2 https://youtu.be/vMKLvkuCLX4
@growclipbonsaiforseniors1951 : https://youtu.be/vFgKH45cT6E
@Candice.BonsaiScience : https://youtu.be/ZGoy7rCoI_o
@drunkbonsai6715 : https://youtu.be/DqJXRABpgrg
@therisingofroninbonsai : https://youtu.be/XixmN8Ql6XY update https://youtu.be/i3A9OhRJzag
@SamDoeckeAussiebonsaibloke : https://youtu.be/_r86eKgRsyo
@bobcat bonsai: https://youtu.be/8Pzd1aaCe5I
@BonsaiCornwall : https://youtu.be/u8iHpcWKhJA
@LetsDoBonsai : https://youtu.be/G2QSYhQqEYU
0:00 About the challenge
0:35 Running around, finding a tree in a nursery
1:48 How much did I spend on the bonsai challenge & what did I find
2:52 Finding the Nebari of a yew garden center plant for bonsai
6:12 Bonsai Pop-quiz: What to look for when buying a tree for bonsai in a nursery
6:35 Design of a Yew to start a bonsai
7:45 pruning back a landscape Yew for bonsai development
9:50 What wire to use for this tree
11:55 Repot finalization
14:15 Positioning branches of Yew
15:15 Mossing and presenting the winning tree
15:30 My Picea: spruce to-be Bonsai