Hello everyone!
Finally I can release this video at the end of 2024, this video is very special for me, because I haven't played mhris for quite a long time, this video will be my last Speedrun on mhrise sunbreak.
I remember the first time I did Sleep Longsword on mhrise, I just opened my bilibili account for fun and watched the Sleep Longsword video from ( 奇怪牛牛 ) for the first time, and I was very interested in trying it, and I thought it was very fun to do lol, and I tried to learn it and always improve the build and the strategy I use to do Sleep Longsword.
So, for my last speedrun on mhrise i showed Sleep Longsword because I really enjoyed doing it, I hope you guys like this video.
Happy New Years everyone !
For the build or if you want to try the strategy, you can check UNCUT version here : https://youtu.be/tSj0FPDUiWA
The concept of this video was inspired by @TeamDarkside
► https://youtu.be/9nWYSwSGcSo?si=FaZ2fMUnO4TBug6e
This is the first video that made me try Sleep LS from ( 奇怪牛牛 )
► https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV13Y41167qn/?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0&vd_source=1511cbb5a7547b61d4c56f7ae3b86876
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I hope you enjoy this video!
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#mhrisesunbreak #mhrise