Awa dancing is a form of folk dancing, specifically Bon dancing, from Tokushima, Japan. Awa is an old name for Tokushima. Awa dancing (Awa odori, in Japanese) is popular throughout Japan, and there is a huge Bon Awa dancing festival every August that draws 1.3 million tourists to Tokushima. Awa dancing by professional groups is deceptively simple, requiring many, many hours of rehearsal to coordinate such complexity, even though the basic Awa dancing step is quite simple.
"Aho" means "fools" in Japanese. There is a famous Awa chant:
The dancers are fools
The watchers are fools
Both are fools alike so
Why not dance?
Odoru ahou ni
Miru ahou
Onaji ahou nara
Odorana son, son
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阿波踊りは、日本の徳島発祥の民俗踊り、特に盆踊りの一種です。 阿波とは徳島の古い地名です。 阿波踊りは日本全国で人気があり、毎年 8 月には大規模な盆阿波踊り祭りが開催され、徳島には 130 万人の観光客が集まります。 プロのグループによる阿波踊りは一見シンプルで、基本的な阿波踊りの手順は非常に単純ですが、その複雑さを調整するには何時間ものリハーサルが必要です。