从 ChatGPT 横空出世,大家就一直在讨论,搜索引擎究竟会不会被 AI 取代。如今不少 AI 和 AI 工具都有了搜索功能,甚至专门的 AI 搜索引擎都出现了,传统搜索引擎的好日子还有多久?我们在分析了 AI 搜索引擎的运营状况和互联网现状后,认为这个问题的答案是——难说。
Ever since ChatGPT came out, people have been discussing whether search engines will be replaced by AI. Nowadays, many AIs and AI tools have search functions, and even specialized AI search engines have appeared. How long will the good days of traditional search engines last? After analyzing the operating status of AI search engines and the current state of the Internet, we believe that the answer to this question is - it's hard to say.
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