서울대학교 AI 연구원 산하 로봇과 인공지능 연구센터에서 고려대 인공지능 대학원 최성준 교수를 초청하여 Towards a Natural Motion Generator를 주제로 웨비나를 개최하였습니다.
최성준 교수는 인공지능 로봇 전문가로 서울대학교 전기공학부에서 학사, 석사, 박사 학위를 취득하고, 디즈니와 카카오브레인 등에서 연구원으로 활동하다가 현재는 고려대학교에서 조교수로 재직중입니다.
강의소개: As autonomous robots gradually permeate our daily lives, there is growing interest in generating natural robotic motions. However, research on natural motions is limited because of the difficulty of defining the 'naturalness' of a motion; this in turn limits the effectiveness of motion optimization methods. Throughout this talk, I will cover how AI technologies can be utilized to generate natural motions of both robots (e.g., legged robots and manipulators) and animated characters. AI methods require training data, and generating an abundant number of motions for human-like robots from scratch may take an excessive amount of time. Hence, we will first look at how motion capture data can be leveraged to generate humanoid motions, often referred to as motion retargeting. I will also present a robust motion retargeting method to handle noisy motion data estimated from RGB videos (e.g., YouTube). Then, a data-driven motion generation method for animated characters will be presented that can not only generate a natural motion but also stylize the motion. Finally, I would like to share our recent results on perceptive manipulation using reinforcement learning, emphasizing shared autonomy.