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Voice Over Artist: Sajjad Haider (Owner of Channel Urdu Corner)
Audio Mics Used: A4tech
Contact Email: [email protected]
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZEugWoljtZC82mWkgCtWHA?view_as=subscriber
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/haidervoicepk
i Have my Computer Video editing Studio & we record all of the videos in this Studio with Professional Softwares like Camtasia, Audcity, Filmora, Sony Vegas , Camtasia 9 and 8.
We use inpage and urdu fonts .
We use free images in videos taken from pixabay, pexels,unsplash and the sites which allow free to use commercially.
Kindly Do not copy our content. We do have rights of our videos. and Subscribe our Channel Urdu Corner for more informative urdu videos, islamic waqeyat and horror urdu stories.
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