AirAsia flight-log of trip from PEN to SIN.
More details about the flight in the video
Video log includes:
-Full take off
-& full approach
-In-flight recordings
-Details about flight and aircraft
-Flight summary
Primary Part of a video set on this flight (Also, ToAndFro)
Flight playlist:
00:00 - Boarding
02:16 - Pushback
07:56 - Take Off
11:25 - IF footage1
11:48 - IF footage2
12:03 - IF footage3
12:13 - IF footage4
12:33 - IF footage5
12:54 - IF footage6
13:08 - IF footage7
13:26 - IF footage8 (Holding pattern)
14:32 - Final Approach
16:56 - Muitiple Views -- Left & Right
19:10 - Touchdown
25:02 - Arrived
25:40 - Flight Summary
26:35 - Credits!
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#airasia #airplanes #airplanevideos