Fun & Interesting

Akai MPC Key 61 - Recording a Beat with Plugins, Drums, and Vocals

DSoundman 40,340 3 years ago
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Welcome to another day in Akai MPC Key 61 land! This amazing keyboard is so inspiring! In this video I walk through recording a beat in the Akai MPC Key 61 with plugins tracks, a drum program track, and a couple vocal audio tracks. I also talk about using the track mute functionality in the MPC Key 61 to build out your song. The more time I spend with the MPC Key 61, the more I like it. Stay tuned for lots of videos to come! This is a long video so feel free to use the links below to jump around: 0:00 Introduction 1:04 Project Setup 4:35 Setting up MIDI Tracks 10:35 Recording the Beat 15:45 Mixing the MIDI Tracks 16:45 Setting up Audio Track 17:26 Recording Vocal 18:00 Adding Vocal Effects 19:02 Recording Harmony 19:40 Using Track Mute to Build Song 23:06 Conclusion 24:20 Saving Project Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE if you're new and hit the LIKE button if you enjoyed the video!! Looking to purchase the Akai MPC Key 61 or other music gear? It helps support my channel for no extra cost to you if you buy through the link below! Thanks for watching and comment below with any questions you have and I will answer them as soon as I can!
