Please excuse the typo in the vid! I meant "Barely any smell" .. not "Barley" 😂. Unboxing and first light of a brand new Aladdin Series 39 "Blue Flame" Paraffin heater imported from Japan! I'm really very impressed with this heater, I have a collection of Aladdin heaters and it's every bit as good (if not better) as the old ones and much more aesthetically pleasing and sleek in my opinion. I may do maintenance & servicing videos for this heater and all my paraffin heater and lamp collection in the future. If there's anything you want to know or anything you'd like me to include in a future video, please leave a comment! Thanks! #aladdin #blueflameheater #offgrid #series39 #BF3912K #paraffin #kerosene #stove #japanese