"The Joker" is part of The Vault series, which is exclusively offered by the Alan Watts Org. Alan Watts believed the joker's point of view is that not only our social institutions, but also all the formations of the natural world, are seen as games. This includes important as well as trivial games. There is something in the nature of all play that is not serious - but at the same time may be sincere.
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▶ Who is Alan Watts? | https://alanwatts.org/life-of-alan-watts/
“Perhaps the foremost interpreter of Eastern disciplines for the contemporary West, Alan Watts had the rare gift of ‘writing beautifully the un-writable’. Watts begins with scholarship and intellect and proceeds with art and eloquence to the frontiers of the spirit. A fascinating entry into the deepest ways of knowing.” — Los Angeles Times
▶ Sign-up for free access to The Joker | https://play.alanwatts.org/checkout/subscribe/signup
▶ Learn more about the Alan Watts Org | https://alanwatts.org/
“The Japanese have a phrase which is just like our phrase ‘follow your nose’ but they say ‘follow you feet’ because, unlike the United States, Japan is an easy place to wander in. Here is a difficult place to wander in— it takes narrow streets and funny courtyards— you need curly kinds of places for effective wandering Here you are not allowed to wander, and if you go wandering in a nice part of town the police will stop you to ask where you are going … and everything is straightened out, the shortest distance between two points, no wandering allowed.” - Alan Watts
▶ More Alan Watts quotes | https://alanwatts.org/quotes/
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