Wolverine,Wolf and Lynx trapping in the Yukon Flats, Alaska. North of the Gwich’in village of Venetie, under the Brooks Range Mountains over 60 miles north north of the Arctic Circle. South of ANWR, ALASKA National Wildlife Refuge. Filmed on a GoPro Hero Black 9 and iPhone 11. While driving a 2020 SKANDIC 600ACE Wide Track. Bridger #5 double long spring and coil spring wolf traps. FPS and Duke 330 Conibear wolverine traps. 1/8 and 3/32 aircraft cable wolf snares. 7by7 and 1by19 cable. With #9 tie wire for support wire. Carrying a DPMS Ar-15 in .556 NATO. Winchester 22 longrifle, marlin 22mag, Sig Sauer 1911-22 pistol. Sled is UHMW plastic from Northern Sled Works.
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