Hey guys, a lot of players want to get silver fast and easy. There are plenty of methods that will make you ALOT of silver. However, acquiring silver fast and easy will never work. My advice is to stick to something you like doing/farming. Get really good spec and experience in it. Then silver-making will be an after thought. In this video I rank popular methods you can do from D to S tier. D being not worth your time and S being a method with good risk to reward.
Professor Scythes Guides
Big Lips Mcgee Guides
0:00 Intro
0:56 Credit Card Method
1:20 Solo Dungeons
1:55 Avalonian Roads
2:30 Yellow Zone Mists
3:22 Corrupted Dungeons
5:19 Gathering/Fishing
7:08 Crafting
9:22 Refining
10:55 Black Market
12:20 Market Flipping
14:25 Faction Warfare
15:39 Blackzone
16:23 Mists
23:16 Outro