ⓒ ℗ 2022 @MimirsWell l ®. All Rights Reserved.
Audio & Video for personal use only. Copying, re-uploading, sampling etc not permitted.
Note : This track has been edited to induce meditative trance like states , It also has panning features which should give the feeling of a shaman drumming around you as the sound shifts from side to side. Which is why headphones are recommended.
Algiz or Elhaz
Sound: “zz” as in “buzz”
Stands for: Elk (or Protection)
Color: Black (Purple)
Casting meaning: This is a rune of great restraint power, defense and protection. Use this rune in charms and talismans to protect yourself as well as your property.
Source : http://www.therunesite.com/elder-futhark-rune-meanings/
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**if your curious to learn more about Starseeds & Reiki go check out these recommended channels & tell them Mimir's Well sent you !**
Metawave : https://twitch.tv/metawave1
Silver Hare: https://www.youtube.com/c/SilverHare
Lune Innate: https://www.youtube.com/c/LuneINNATEA...
Whispers Of The Wolf : https://www.youtube.com/c/Whispersoft...
Starseed Energetics : https://www.youtube.com/c/StarseedEne...
Elizabeth April : https://www.youtube.com/c/ElizabethApril
Simply Velca : https://www.youtube.com/c/SimplyVelca
tarotladyinachurch : https://twitch.tv/tarotladyinachurch
#MimirsWell #MimirsWellPodcast #ElderFuthark #Shamanic #Algiz #Kundalini #Ocean #Njord #Aegir #Ran #Poseidon #NorseOceanGods #OceanSounds #OceanSoundsForSleeping #sleep #oceansoundforsleep #Shamanic #RitualMusic #Hanuman #SumerianGods #Annunaki #MesopotamianGods #Hinduism #Buddhism #MahaKali #OmKleem #Kali #EgyptianGods #EgyptianMeditation #AstralProjection #Meditation #Paganism #Starseeds #PastLifeRegression #Reincarnation #AncientEgypt #BinauralMeditation #Gaia #Gaiatv #GaiaNetwork #PastLife #Aliens #CE5 #NorsePaganism #Norse #NorseMythology #StarseedActivation #SiriusStarseed #OrionStarseeds #PleadianStarseed #ArcturianStarseed #Chakras #SpiritualAwakeningseeds #PleadianStarseed #ArcturianStarseed #Chakras #SpiritualAwakening