Today I’ll combine all the Alien and Predator movies to establish the complete and ultimate timeline of Aliens, Engineers, and Predators.
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Music: Atlantis by Audionautix
To make this timeline as detailed as possible, I’ll also incorporate major events from comics and video games covering key moments from 3 billion B.C. all the way to the year 4000 A.D
I know there are major plot holes if we're trying to connect Predator and Alien canon, such as David seemingly creating Xenomorphs and Weyland still being alive after AVP. So I'll briefly mention how these plot holes can be resolved.
Approximately 3.2 billion years ago, an ancient extraterrestrial race known as the Engineers arrived on Earth and initiated the creation of life using a mysterious substance, possibly linked to the blood of the first Deacon according to early drafts of the Prometheus script.
Around 250,000 BC, according to the comic book Alien/Vampirella, an alien egg was discovered on Mars alongside the bodies of an ancient race that had been there for hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of years. Interestingly, one of the deleted scenes from Prometheus involved the discovery of ancient Engineer carvings on Mars, drawing a potential parallel between these narratives.
In 12,000 BC, another non-canon comic, Superman and Batman vs. Aliens and Predator, suggests that a Yautja (Predator) ship crashed on Earth during the Ice Age, bringing Xenomorph eggs with it.
By 2996 BC, the Predators had arrived on Earth and taught humans how to build pyramids, which then appeared across the globe. It is speculated that the Engineers might have created the Predators as part of their experiments with the black goo. Every century, the Predators return to Earth to use humans as hosts to spawn xenomorphs in these pyramids that served as hunting grounds, where they initiate young Predators into warrior status by battling Xenomorphs.
However, in 2896 BC, after failing to defeat the Xenomorphs, the Predators activated a self-destruct mechanism, eradicating all traces of the Xenomorphs on Earth.
1300 BC - Another non canon comics features a flashback to 1300 BC with Yatcha’s visit in Ancient Egypt.