Join me, I'm Abubeker, as I guide you through the exciting process of importing items from AliExpress! In this video, we'll cover everything from selecting and ordering the best products to navigating customs and the post office in Ethiopia. I'll share essential tips on using discounts, the strategy for ordering "cool items, and how to utilize Ethio Birr for those who need assistance with payment. Plus, don't miss the unboxing of my latest purchases! If you enjoy fun and useful ideas, make sure to like and subscribe for more content. 🔔
Let's dive in and explore the world of online shopping together!
Ali Express -
Ethiopian Postal Service -
Tracking Websites (ትራክ ማድረጊያ)
Tax (ቀረጥ)
1. BOYA WM4 PRO(K2) 2.4G Wireless Lavalier Microphone - (9371.18birr including fee penalty (300%) )
2. ET X-08 2000DPI Adjustable 2.4G Wireless Professional Gaming Mouse - (246birr)
3.Xiaomi Original P2961 Wireless Headphones Bluetooth 5.3 Earphone For Samsung iPhone Stereo HIFI Headset Game Earbuds With Mic - (Free)
4.Xiaomi USB 3.0 Flash Drive 2TB High-Speed Transfer Pen Drive 2TB Super Large Capacity Waterproof Storage Devices - (Free)
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