The first version was missing the music, sorry lol.
In the world of Re:Zero there are all kinds of power systems, but there’s one power that was created to display the absolute unfairness of the world & to reinforce that there are some people who are loved more by the world than others. To have an ability bestowed to you the moment you are born into the world, this is when it means to possess a Divine Protection. A Divine Protection is a power that originates from the heart of the world Od Laguna; and being blessed with a divine protectio is an extremely rare occurrence & usually a sign of the world having a bias for you at the bare minimum. Divine Protections range from allowing you to dodge all projectiles in the world no matter what, to increasing your skill with a certain type of magic, to giving you the ability to differentiate salt & sugar easily. It’s like a randomly generated bonus trait in a video game. To put into perspective how rare it is to possess a Divine Protection, you have a 1:100 chance of being born with a useless one, 1:1000 chance of being born with a useful one, 1:10,000 chance for a somewhat rare one, 1:100,000 chance of getting a pretty good one, 1:1,000,000 chance of getting a unique one, and 1:10,000,000 chance of being born with more than one. There are some exceptions to the rules I just went over of obtaining a divine protection, but this how most of them work.
art/coloring credits :
#rezero #gojo #regulus