Shout Shorts playlist:
Why is Bravil Poor?:
TES Races Linguistics:
Dragon shouts have existed in the lore since the time of Adventures: Redguard. Elder Scrolls Online have given us even more. Have you always wanted to know how much is out there? Come along, dear dragonborn.
Full list of my shouts & sources:
00:00 Intro
01:26 Dragon Terms
03:00 What'll be covered
04:03 Aging
04:44 Banish to Oblivion
05:13 Close Range Teleport
05:34 Dagger Shout
06:15 Drunken Snow
06:53 Earth Necromancy
07:24 Earth Shattering
07:53 Event Denouement
08:26 Flooding
08:43 Form Change
09:29 Heart Roaring
09:54 Hurricane
10:18 Kiln Breath
10:44 Lamp Light
11:16 Moon Shift
11:58 Marshaling
12:21 Nevermelt
12:56 Puppeteering
13:28 Resurrect to Ash Zombie
13:59 Sharpen Blade
14:16 Summon Shoes
14:28 Sky Sickening
14:57 Storm Consumption
15:40 Surety
16:31 Wind Riding
17:40 Animate Statue
18:06 Cataclysm
18:24 Earthquake
18:46 Earth Spike
19:05 Fire Storm
19:24 Ice Storm
19:41 Infernal Breath
20:25 Lightning Breath
20:44 Meteor Storm
21:23 Moon Blast
21:47 Plague Breath
22:09 Raise Graveyard
22:31 Siphon Moonlight
22:50 Summon Atronach
23:05 Summon Strangler
23:26 Summon Wyrm
23:49 Time Summon
24:23 Unrelenting Pull
25:18 Devour Soul
25:56 Open Lock
26:22 Phantom Form
26:42 Resurrect
27:07 Return to Nirn
27:25 Soul Cairn Summon
27:46 Soul Fog
28:00 Summon Dovahkiin
28:32 Two extra cases
29:01 If you got here good job
=== CREDITS ===
RESEARCH: I would like to give a special thanks to modder/lorebeard Keysmash for his dedicated consultation, feedback, and for creating the original Thu'um Index source compilation ( I used these sources as a starting point for my own interpretations. Some are similar, some are different, some I've cut, some I've added where I thought appropriate.
TRANSLATIONS: To create my own interpretations & translate ESO's, I used the dictionary on
VIDEO/MEMES: All game footage not captured by me is credited in-video. If the footage is uncredited it's most likely original.
[Lore Shouts]: The Bannered Mare Lo-Fi (THIRDSWANE)
[ESO Shouts]: Skyrim Dragonborn Lo-Fi (Marcin Przybylowicz)
[Skyrim Cuts]: Hymn in the Rain (calculon)
[everything else...]: Sims 1 & 2 Soundtracks
LeftoverArgonian Icon by LizardBusiness