click on the timestamps below to skip to the monster u wanna see, or if u just want to see like and hour of monster footage das cool too
Vapor - 0:00
Rosemary - 2:55
Baldi - 6:54
Ao Oni - 11:25
Foghorn - 16:27
EXE - 20:30
Uncle Samsonite - 24:58
Springtrap - 29:14
MX - 33:47
Forest King - 37:40
Niloticus - 42:18
WYST - 46:16
Vita Mimic - 50:53
Fuwatti - 54:41 (watti o clock lol)
Inkfell - 57:32
PCX - 1:03:06
Jeffery Woods - 1:08:02
Valem - 1:11:38
hope u enjoy :) #pillarchase2 #roblox #robloxhorror