Updated and final showcase of all unique Hunting Horns in Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak with their respective melodies and stats (Game Version 16.0, Title Update 5 + Bonus Update)
Title Update 1
- Gold Rathian (06:21)
- Lucent Nargacuga (07:19)
- Seething Bazelgeuse (09:09)
(Silver Rathalos didn't get a hunting horn in this game)
Title Update 2
- Lost Code "Alos" (04:13)
- Violet Mizutsune (07:46)
- Flaming Espinas (08:28)
Title Update 3
- Stuffed Tigrex (04:22)
- Chaotic Gore Magala (10:48)
Title Update 4
- Velkhana (11:37)
Title Update 5
- Amatsu (12:08)
Bonus Update
- Primordial Malzeno (10:09)
Recommendations for fellow dooters:
Zook's videos on the Sunbreak Hunting Horn:
Core Combos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLS8r1tEVw8
Songs & Mechanics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5E8snoK8Q0
Set Building: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-rhcgsAr5M
BBake & Frost's video on the Hunting Horn melody origins:
"Rhapsody in Hh Major" A song composed of hunting horn sounds by Teostbusters:
Another Song composed of hunting horn sounds by Stalin Cen :
00:00 Kamura Ninja Horn
00:10 Fine Kamura Flute
00:19 Rampage Agitato
00:29 Bone Horn
00:38 Native's Horn
00:48 Kulu-Ya-Ku
01:04 Wind Horn
01:14 Bagpipe
01:23 Rinforzato/Fortissimo
01:33 Defender/Guardian Horn
01:43 Pukei-Pukei
01:59 Anjanath
02:15 Vicello Nulo
02:25 Vicello White
02:35 Vicello Green
02:45 Vicello Black
02:56 Bombadgy
03:06 Fungasax
03:16 Cornupion
03:25 Magia Charm
03:35 Bullfango
03:44 Vespoid
03:53 Royal Order
04:03 Antique Machina
04:13 Lost Code "Alos" (TU 2)
04:22 Stuffed Tigrex (TU 3)
04:32 Great Izuchi
04:42 Arzuros
04:52 Khezu
05:02 Royal Ludroth
05:12 Tetranadon
05:22 Barroth
05:32 Basarios
05:41 Somnacanth
05:50 Auroracanth
05:59 Carapaceon
06:10 Rathian
06:21 Gold Rathian (TU 1)
06:31 Rathalos
06:40 Diablos
06:50 Barioth
06:59 Tigrex
07:10 Nargacuga
07:19 Lucent Nargacuga (TU 1)
07:28 Zinogre
07:37 Mizutsune
07:46 Violet Mizutsune (TU 2)
07:56 Astalos
08:07 Seregios
08:17 Espinas
08:28 Flaming Espinas (TU 2)
08:39 Rakna-Kadaki
08:48 Pyre Rakna-Kadaki
08:58 Bazelgeuse
09:09 Seething Bazelgeuse (TU 1)
09:18 Rajang
09:28 Furious Rajang
09:37 Garangolm
09:48 Lunagaron
09:58 Malzeno
10:09 Primordial Malzeno (Bonus Update)
10:19 Magnamalo
10:28 Scorned Magnamalo
10:39 Gore Magala
10:49 Shagaru Magala
10:59 Chaotic Gore Magala (TU 3)
11:08 Chameleos
11:17 Kushala Daora
11:28 Teostra
11:38 Valstrax
11:47 Velkhana (TU 4)
11:57 Ibushi
12:08 Narwa
12:19 Amatsu (TU5)
12:31 Gaismagorm
Thank you for watching and have fun dooting.